Thursday, 8 September 2011

New Passion: Peg Loom Weaving

On the 27th August in the town that I live, in the community center was holding a small wool event which I jumped at the chance to go. Even though it was a small event there was a lot going on there, about 4 spinning wheels were going on, felt making, weaving. It was brilliant and I am glad that I did manage to go to it as I have never been to an event like this.

After I watched a woman do a little bit of peg loom weaving I have become really interested in it. It seems very relaxing and different, I wont say easy because I am not certain on how it easy it is going to be. But they did say it was easy for the hands so that is something I am pleased about.
All I need to do now is try and get me a peg loom so I can have a go at it.

Inner Reflection

I have found that whenever I feel like I am beginning to get that disconnected feeling with my spiritual path I want to just hide away from everything. This is probably the main reason why I haven't been posting much.
I am not really sure why I get this feeling, I just feel that there is something I am supposed to be doing/learning but I haven't found what it is but it is staring right in front of me, that is what I don't like the most about feeling that way.
Plus it is starting to come to that time of year. I find that when Autumn and Winter are arriving I start to hibernate with my inner self. I start to look back at the first half of the year and see what I have managed to achieve, what I haven't managed to do and start to take notes from all that and see what I need to do for the next part of the year, until this time again.
I have been doing this only a couple of years but I do feel that it does help me in some way.