Monday, 26 April 2010

Hello there

No, I haven't forgotten about this blog, I have just been very busy dealing with negativity.
It basically started to heat up at the start of this year, but I thought things would calm down for me after the first month or so but it didn't, it just got worse.
So now I am trying to deal with these negative issues and get rid of past event issue energies that have been roaming about me for while. I am basically spring cleaning my body, while it seems like a good idea, it certainly doesn't at the moment, my emotions are all sky high at the moment (doesn't help when mother nature is calling me as well).
This is why I haven't been blogging that much this month, just need time for myself.

Also I haven't really been doing that much in my spiritual craft, I guess I feel that I should get these issues done with before I do any practises and all that.

I did get a vision a few weeks ago, my first vision in fact, it wasn't a nice one though - basically telling me that someone close in our family is gonna be moving on soon. I don't believe it is soon, as in a few weeks/months time, but soon as in later this year/next year. Well that is what I am getting anyways so I hope I am right about that (not about the vision but about the timing).
I don't really know how to deal with it either or how to accept that I got this. But I guess it had to happen to me for a reason.

With my other crafting, that has slowed down as well, I know I am happy and at ease when making things, but they have just not turned out right, so another reason why I have to deal with the issues and actually find my "happy place".

Sometimes I hate it when spirit does these things to me just to tell me to deal with certain things or to do certain things, then I remember that without them I would be the person I am or I would be a very very confused lady right now. (I can imagine them saying "I told you so" to me right now lol).

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