Saturday, 8 May 2010

Is the Book of Shadows a must?

I was watching a video by piperpointcreek the other day about the Book of Shadows, she basically asked is it a must to have or not?
I just wanted to put my view here and hopefully will get a video done about this.

For me the Book of Shadows isn't really a must, it is good to have something like a notebook, piece of paper, a blog or a video camera, near by so you can speak about your personal experiences, your mistakes, things you have learned etc. So in the future you can look back and see how far you have grown, and/or if you or a friend is in a similar dilemma and you know you have been through this, you could read back what happened and how you dealt with it back then, which could help you with it then.
I mainly have a Grimoire for the reason that I have a short memory and can forget things easily, also for the reason of stated before.
I don't find that it is a must to have for being a witch. When it comes down to being a witch it is all in you, you have to feel it in your heart, mind, soul, and its a burning passion of yours to want to carry on. That you want to see yourself grow as a witch, as a human, as a spiritual being. That the next day you are still gonna feel that same passion for the craft and being a witch. You don't really need all these items to help you be a better witch, they are just there to look pretty really. It is all within yourself that can make yourself a better witch. OK yes the items can help you to concentrate and such, but they cant make you better.

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