Wednesday, 8 December 2010


Disgusting old hag, ugly as the word sin,
One look from her could make you spin,
But her eye, oh her beautiful eye,
Such wisdom, beauty, secrets of the world,
No one could ever sing of,
She is feared, she is greeted,
But Cailleach is never far.

As I am searching more into my spiritual path I am finding things out which I over looked before. Such as the deities, I always saw the same Cailleach but I never really bothered to actually take the time to research this Goddess and truly find who she is. Until now, and I feel that there is a reason why I have found my way to her.
There isn't that great of information written about her, or known about her, only first hand texts. But I don't wish to read upon them as I want to experience that for myself (sometimes if I read someone else's experience before I have my own when its about the same subject, I feel that I may be encouraged to have the same experience as them). But from what I can understand about Cailleach is that she is connected to the earth in such a way that she has some of the earth attached/growing on her body, some will even say that she is Mother Earth. The time that she comes out is after Samhain towards Winter time, where she spreads the icy, snow weather when she travels.

From what I have read up about her, I do fear Cailleach. She has all this power at her feet, who wouldn't fear this woman, this Goddess? We are all connected to the earth and as she is Mother Earth she can do what she likes to us, that's if we carry on being selfish human beings. - Well just look at what is happening to world today, all these fires, snow storms, floods etc. Who is to say that this is not her screaming at us?
But at the same time of fearing her, I honour her, I will always greet her and welcome her. Not because I am scared of what she might do, but because there is so much history to her. So many lessons, stories and so much wisdom that she can teach us. That is if she will tell us and we have the patients to listen.

This is all I have learnt at the moment about her, I hope I can write back soon with so much more experiences to tell about my journey with her. But maybe she is just testing me to see if I am ready to listen to what she has to say.

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