As Imbolc is about to be arriving soon, I thought I would try to do something more than a walk this year. Each festival I normally just go for a walk and look at my surroundings, see what is changing while giving respect and honouring everything near by. But this year I felt like I should get involved at lot more, so I decided to make some Imbolc oil - this can be used to anoint the candle you wish to use before lightening it, or on your temples before meditating or just simply putting a little bit of it in the oil burner.
I normally make incense for the festivals, but as I have so much incense sticks and little herbs to use I thought this time to use the oil and see what my outcome is after this festival.
I don't own that many oils either at the moment so I basically had to do with what I had. So it was basically, Rosemary, chamomile, mandarin and rose. I wanted to add healing, purification, welcoming back the sun as well as a little bit of love into the oil.
Maybe the oils are not what you expect to smell as Imbolc, but I don't really care. To me it smells uplifting, refreshing and clean, which is pretty much what I wanted for this festival - so I am pretty damn proud to manage to make an oil with the intentions I had in mind.
I think I may be sticking to my usual walk and maybe a meditation or just standing still listening to what the land around me has to say.
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