Monday 21 December 2009

Am I back to my old self again?

Lets hope I am!
These last 3 months have been very odd for me, everything I did in my path, craft and meditation gave me these nasty headaches. So I got a spiritual reading done and found out that nature, my guides etc were trying to stop me so I could rest for the solstice to come. I did what I was told, even though it was driving me nuts!

So now the solstice is here I thought great, now I can meditate, but nope still got the headache. I took some pain killers and tried again, the headache got worse and I ended up asking the question on Yahoo!Answers. Someone kindly answered the question saying, stop trying to do it and ask your angels, God(s), guides (whatever you believe in) to help and heal you, listen to yourself and follow where you go, so I took his advice and after 15 mins I feel great! I am so pleased that I managed to meditate ^_^ Yeah I got the headache still but it doesn't seem as bad as what it used to be (plus if its near my time of month, I normally do get headaches..grr).

But yes, hopefully I can start being my old self again, yay!

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